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Summer 2018 was warm, dry and largely sunny. Temperatures were well above average and we received only about 75% of a typical summer’s rainfall. The economy recovered from the financial crisis but growth remained sluggish. The pound fell, inflation rose over 2% and interest rates remained low. Probably the most influential economic factor of the […]

Spas and hot tubs. Spas are the volume sector of the wet leisure industry, its where we find the big numbers of sales every year and we always will. There has been some slow and steady change in the sector though. Last year we pointed out that Tesco had 75 listings on their web site […]

The questions in this section are designed to show what sort of businesses answered the survey and they also give a good overall picture of the wet leisure industry. Which region of the UK does your business operate from? No surprises here, in fact the order of size of each of these regions is almost […]

Would you describe most of those sales as being at the top-end of the market, budget conscious or somewhere in between?   The budget sector of the market continues to slowly grow from 4% last year to almost 6%. This year, the respondents falling into this category were predominantly based in the Midlands and the […]

Against a background of political and economic uncertainty, the majority of the wet leisure industry enjoyed a successful 2018. Almost 90% of respondents expect 2019 to be at least OK and possibly extremely good. We hope that proves to be true. Certainly Brexit remains as the biggest question mark on the horizon. Whether you see […]

The questions in this section are designed to show what sort of businesses answered the survey and, in doing so, they also give a good overall picture of the wet leisure industry. Which region of the UK does your business operate from? The order of size of these UK regions has stayed the same throughout […]

Like most years, 2017 was a mixture of good and bad. As one respondent said, ‘Good start – poor finish. Just like the weather.’ Brexit and the economic and political uncertainty that goes with the process continue to stifle consumer confidence and the exchange rate driven price rises that distributors were forced to bring in […]

Looking specifically at the three main areas of the wet leisure industry: Spas and hot tubs. We have already seen that the hot tub and spa market this year has been robust. We commented last year, and it has probably also been true of this year that spas have had positive exposure in the media […]

On the following scale, how did you find business conditions this year? Over 90% of the survey respondents enjoyed a year that was somewhere between OK and Extremely Good. That’s in a year that didn’t have the best weather during the season and was troubled by the uncertainties that came with the Brexit negotiations and […]

Would you describe most of those sales as being at the top-end of the market, budget conscious or somewhere in between? The most noticeable change here compared to last year’s survey is the budget sector growing from 1% to 4% and that, in statistical terms, is a fairly small increase. If we look back 5 years, […]