Blog - Page 5 of 22 - Wet Leisure


Would you describe most of your sales as being at the top-end of the market, budget conscious or somewhere in between? For the wet leisure businesses responding to this year’s survey, the budget sector of the market has shrunk to a tiny 1%. Obviously all those ‘cheap Chinese hot tubs’ are getting sold somewhere but not, […]

The media has commented that spas and hot tubs are becoming increasingly popular. Have you seen this reflected in your business this year? The responses to this question do seem to conflict slightly with the picture of the spa and hot tub industry that the other sections of the survey has been drawing. Perhaps this […]

Sometimes it may seem that we are all working in hard times and that business is difficult It is worth remembering before we start this section that according to the survey records, in 2010 and 2011 more than 7.5% of businesses that responded to the Wet Leisure Survey reported that they had found business ‘extremely […]

In this section, we look at what sort of businesses responded to the survey and answered either the online or postal questionnaire. The answers to these first six questions also give us a good, overall picture of the wet leisure industry in the UK. Which region of the UK does your business operate from? This […]

In the main, 2016 has been a good year for the wet leisure industry, at least from the perspective of the businesses that responded to the survey. The weather was kind and the economy was reasonably buoyant. And then there was Brexit. That shock result and its aftermath have sent waves through the wet leisure […]

For the third year running, Servicing and Repairs has scored the highest when businesses are asked what services they offer their customers. Reasons for this from the customer’s point of view might be that they are ‘cash rich and time poor’. It might be that installations are becoming more complicated or that people are becoming […]

In terms of a recession, and although the wet leisure industry has had a good year the UK economy has been suffering overall, we are used to hearing about the ‘squeezed middle’. But has that been true of our industry. Would you describe most of your sales as being at the top end of the […]

In this year’s survey we took a closer look at trends in marketing and trends in the market. How people were selling things and what sort of things people were looking to buy. After all, the purpose of this whole exercise is to keep businesses the information and insights they need to boost sales. What […]

Marketing, health and safety and PR. In this year’s survey we asked a few specific questions about areas which we felt were hot topics in the wet leisure industry. What is the best way to market your own business is always something that interests people. Should the whole industry be working to raise it’s profile? […]

The Internet. A threat, an opportunity or just a fact of life. It seems as if the Internet has been with us forever, but it hasn’t. Back in 2011, it was fair to say that, when it came to the digital world, opinion was still divided. The most obvious statistic regarding this survey and the […]