Blog - Wet Leisure


Everyone who works in the wet leisure industry will have his or her own idea about how a year has gone. They will have a sense of whether things have been good or bad and what has made them so. The benefit of the survey is that it brings this knowledge and opinion together from […]

To finish for this year we quickly look at top line feedback for each of the three main wet leisure industry sectors. Hot tubs and spas. The respondents are showing an almost 50% fall in spa sales although this may not be true across the entire industry. Certainly spiralling energy costs have hit hot tub […]

Challenges for service companies Service and repairs has long stood as the service most offered to respondent’s customers but this year it slipped down the rankings a little. This might be due to growth in the installation market, which has certainly seen a strong year, or challenges facing the service and maintenance companies. Respondents have […]

What were business conditions like this year? The graph this year is much flatter than normal. 30% of respondents reported a year that was worse than average while 34% reported having a year that was better than the middle range of ‘OK’. The two extremes, difficult and good, scored less than 5% each. Across the […]

This is the thirteenth year of the Wet leisure Industry Survey. The first Survey took place in 2010 and the results were published at SPATEX the following year. The original concept of an industry wide survey came from Golden Coast and was simply this, Other industries and markets have facts, figures and statistics that are […]

What sort of businesses made up the survey sample? It’s important to know some things about the businesses that respond to the survey even if we don’t know their names or have any other identification. This first section of the survey can pick up industry trends like changes in the size of businesses by staff […]

How did you find business conditions this year? Responses to this question will always cover the scale from Extremely Difficult to Extremely Good but in previous years it has always been clear that there is a trend one way or another. Our industry is either thriving or struggling. The graph this year is much flatter […]

Which sectors of the industry have seen growth this year? As we have seen, pool spa and sauna business behaves differently under different conditions and influences so we look at them individually to see how they have performed during the year. How has the pool sector behaved this year? 51% of respondents have seen growth […]

Breakdown by region We end where we began, with looking at the survey region by region. Our regions each have their different characteristics and, if anything, these have become more notable over time. South East The South East tend to have slightly smaller businesses – in terms of staff numbers – than the survey norm […]